•A temperature protection method for power electronics of high-power converters
• A temperature protection method for power electronics of high-power converters
• An adaptive PWM solution for wind turbine converters
• A dead time compensation method of frequency converter based on distortion function correction
• A power distribution method of diesel generator sets based on the common DC grid generation system
• A starting device and starting method of marine shaft generators used as motors
• A vector control method of brushless cascade doubly-fed machine
• A marine shaft generating system and control method
•A 24 pulse rectifier system
• A temperature rise test circuit of IGCT module
• A High voltage DC power supply with cascade structure
• The marine common DC grid electric propulsion system
• A fault ride-through system of marine common DC grid electric propulsion system
• A land joint commissioning system of marine common DC grid electric propulsion system
• A power test circuit of high-power diode rectifier
•A marine common DC grid electric propulsion system with wind and solar power generation
• A marine common DC grid electric propulsion system with pulse load
• A marine common DC grid propulsion system with battery energy storage
•A multi-functional marine common DC grid electric propulsion system
• A short circuit test platform for power module and DC fuse
• A hybrid propulsion system based on marine common DC grid solution
•A marine common DC grid electric propulsion system based on asynchronous induction motors with self-excitation
• A shaft generating system based on induction motors with self-excitation
•A marine shaft generator used as electric motor
• A marine shaft generating system for motor start
• A PWM control system for medium and high voltage frequency converter
• A diesel electric hybrid propulsion system based on permanent magnet motor for parallel generation
• A diesel electric hybrid propulsion system based on permanent magnet motor for parallel propulsion
• A high-power frequency converter control system
• A separate propulsion diesel electric hybrid system based on permanent magnet motor
• A diesel generator set based on marine common DC grid solution
• A frequency control system based on brushless doubly-fed motor
• A diesel-electric hybrid power system based on permanent magnet motor
• A high-power drive system for asynchronous motor
• A marine common DC grid propulsion system with main thruster and bow thruster each other as redundant
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