CSSC Silent Electric System (Wuxi) Technology Co.,Ltd.
A Subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation
SES-Tech is a mixed-ownership company controlled by several state-owned enterprises, whose largest shareholder is CSSC Shanxi Fenxi Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., the second largest shareholder is China Power Investment Financial Leasing Ltd., the third largest shareholder is China Structural Reform Fund. A number of heavyweight shareholders will empower and increase efficiency in the upstream and downstream industrial chains, business development and expansion of the electric propulsion system of SESTech.
Official Accouts
CSSC Silent Electric System (Wuxi) Technology Co.,Ltd.
Address: No.1, Xikun Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province
CSSC Silent Electric System (Wuxi)Technology Co.,Ltd.
Address: No.1, Xikun Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province
Phone: 0510-88531019
Fax: 0510-88531039
E-mail: ses@cssc-ses.com
CSSC Silent Electric System (Wuxi) Technology Co.,Ltd. © 2020 all rights reserved Su ICP Bei 18048854 Technical Support-JUNYI